Propane Heat-Is it for me? Converting to propane in CT

propane deliveries in ct

Propane’s popularity is growing as new propane heating system installations and propane conversions are on the rise. Homeowners along the CT Shoreline from Madison to East Lyme are wondering if it is a good choice for them.   When considering options for heating conversions, more and more people are including propane as a fuel source. …

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Gulf Electricity offers true savings on your electric bill


You may be paying too much for your electricity You have the Power to Save! Click this image to learn more about signing up for Gulf Electricity with Wilcox Energy Whether you are still getting your electricity from CL&P or if you have already switched to another supplier, the fact is, you are probably more…

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The Governor’s New Energy Initiative. Who benefits most?


The governor of the state of Connecticut wants to expand natural gas infrastructure.  And he wants YOU to pay for it. Government Rebates may be available to help this homeowner with the cost of replacing the heating system. Maybe. I had the opportunity to attend the public hearing that was held in New Haven regarding…

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No Storm Rebates for Oil Fired Boilers.

Big News:  Governor Malloy announced that he will be offering additional rebate incentives totaling $3 million for homeowners affected by Super Storm Sandy.  Upgrade your heating equipment with newer, higher efficiency heating systems, and you can receive incentive dollars from the government. “The governor announced Tuesday that the financial incentives would apply to residential and business…

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